Read Our Rules Before Posting
General Posting Rules
- 18yo old is the minimum for posting in all board sections. Posting conformity to Rules and all other issues concerning this requirement will remain at the discretion of the Moderator, without question.
- No hardcore acts nor pornography of any kind is allowed (sets or videos) in Nude Sections.
- Avatars & Signatures must conform to this rule.
- Nude Models Galleries (thumbnails) must be posted in correct forum; Nude model sets and videos (downloads), must be posted here.
- Nude Image Galleries (collections): Post only single threads, replying with relevant content, as a collection of a model or type of sets (brunettes, blondes, skinny, MILF, etc) Download links is allowed if post contains at least 20 thumbnails.
General Posting Rules
- Avatars & Signatures: Models/Girls must conform to a 18-year-old minimum age limit. A staff member must approve any links within the signature before they are added, links to porn sites/spam are forbidden.
- Premium links are reserved for only admin/staff and users with 100+ posts.
- No real or simulated hardcore sexual acts.
- Do not post derogatory/hateful comments toward the models and/or to other members of this board, including within PMs, you will be warned/banned;
- DO NOT post underage models (-18);
- Only open new topics if you can't find the related model/agency. Use the reply option, to keep the board organized. Post your topics in the correct forums (agencies). Each sub-forum has its own rule. Read it before posting!
- If you found a broken link or illegal content, click on the report button or send the poster a message.
- » Please do not clutter up topics with posts like "links are dead" or "password doesn't work"; use the broken link button to contact the poster directly via private message so s/he can fix the issue.
- "Premium Only" download links are reserved for admin/staff and contributors with 100+ posts. All other users must use free download links, or else be warned/banned and the posts deleted.
- DO NOT post banned/illegal agencies' models and sets. Your post will be deleted and you'll be warned/banned;
- » Please, check our Forbidden to Post list before starting any thread;
- DO NOT post/share links from other boards/websites. Adding a link to a signature may be possible but must be requested, and approved by, a staff member.
- Do not copy/paste contents from a member's post and claim them as your own by creating a new post, this is considered leeching/stealing, and may result in a permanent ban or profile account expulsion.
- If you want to post image galleries, you must have a minimum of 6 images. You are allowed to create external albums and link them to your topic, but you must post at least 3 preview pics.
- Within the "Galleries" subforums, each photo set must be posted separately so, you must create a new topic for each photo set. For all other Gallery subforums, each photo set must be posted separately, and you must create a new post for each photo set.
- » When creating previews, please use thumbnails of at least 160px.
- As of 26 May 2024, posting duplicate sets in the Gallery sections has been allowed, however, if a member wants to duplicate a set from another member, that member must use a different image host. No members are allowed to duplicate their own posts.
- Read all our rules and legal notices before posting.